tabrez pirani
5 min readMay 31, 2020

There’s a book I wrote two years ago, It is about the life I was going through in one of the most difficult time, The thing is I was so close to publishing it but Again as we know Life is not always fair I fall in a pit of Material Living where I have to focus more on Earning money,

You see there’s this thing call Time it doesn't stop for a moment, It keeps running, and if you don’t run with the time you are left behind.

They say keep yourself updated with new trends & technologies, to grow in the professional life whether you love or hate, keep doing what you do.

But Have you ever paused, and thought that it’s not time which is running but it’s you who is. have you ever thought what is more important in your life is it your work or is it the happiness you are trying to find from your work for so long?

You have 24 hours a day which is a lot.

For a typical Employer, we spend 8–10 Hours in the office, go back home spend time with family & friends for like 4 to 5 hours. (watching TV, gossiping, playing games) 7 hours of sleep, we still have 3 hours okay let’s add up one more hour to sleep now we have 2 hours for each day, to do what we love to what makes us happy, are we really making good use of this time we have in our life?
Are we spending time in which we get immense happiness, which brings a smile when we look back in our time?

If YES! Then Yaaayy! You are really doing Great.

One of the most important things in life is to Breathe.

We inhale & exhale without realizing or knowing if the air we are breathing is pure enough to keep our mind and body strong.

With the situation going in the world and the new generation, we are seeing. We have got to know about terms call Anxiety, Depression, stress, and mental illness.

It was in the late 19th and early 20th century when anxiety came into the picture when people started getting diagnose for it.
These terms are now very much in common.

Now I know you are thinking, Why Breathe & Time?
I know how to breathe, I have spent my time very well.

We easily get carry forward with the stress we have, losing a job, financial fall, Looking at loved one suffering but Did we ever tried to focus on our breathing in all this situation? Have we tried to get out of these thoughts and live in the moment?

The average respiratory rate for a healthy adult is 15 to 16 Cycles being active, which is around 23,000 times a day.

How many times do you think you lived in a moment knowingly, whenever we are in stress we tend to sleep excess in the amount of time, instead have you ever tried talking about it to the loved once? focus on your breath for 1 time in a day?


“Just breathe. Ten tiny breaths … Seize them. Feel them. Love them.”

There are techniques on how to breathe when you are in stress Link will be attached at the end of the Note.

But here I am not going to share about how to do it, I guess you know it very well, I am here to tell you to do it to focus on your breathing in a difficult time, to keep count on your breathing.

To live in a moment time is precious -.

Sometimes you just have to slow down, to think about what gives you immense happiness, to Deep breathe.

Is it difficult to achieve happiness in a difficult time?

Happiness is the ability to be in love with yourself to find peace every minute, in whatever circumstances you experience. Humans are bound to have ups and downs in life!

I believe happiness a state to embrace yourself even at times when happiness seems long lost. My breath is what brings me back to a moment helps me to find peace, I will automatically be at peace with myself and that state of bliss is what matters.

You know right your life is beautiful! We all are mentally ill, emotionally, spiritually & physically twisted within ourself and that what makes us who we are, you are one of the most beautiful species in this world, the moment you embrace this and learn to value yourself more than any other material things your life becomes the beautiful journey also for every single person who comes in contact with you.

Whatever you are, you are your person!

So the book I wrote, I took time for myself & Now it’s ready to publish. let’s try to take some time for ourselves and appreciate our life & Feel your Breath.

“Sometimes just slow down and take a Deep BREATH”

Few Lines From Book — Late Winter Night

So here we are in the days when the routine act of breathing leaves you feel worn out. It appears easier to give up on this life. The thought of running away brings you peace.

For so long I was lost in a place where there was no sun. Where there were trees without leaves. But every once in a while out of the darkness something I loved would appear and bring me to life again. Observing a starry sky. The happiness of laughing with old friends. An old person who told me the stories had saved their life. Yet there I was struggling to save my own.

Life is difficult. It is difficult for everybody. And it is at that moment when life feels like moving in inches through a tiny hole.

That we must not hold to bad memories. Because our eyes are starving to treat in this world. There is family. Blood or chosen. The hope and possibility of falling in love. With people and places. High hills to reach the clouds. Valleys that take us into new worlds. I find it deeply important to accept that we are not the leader of this place. We are her guests. Let’s enjoy this place like a garden. Let us treat it with a gentle hand. So the ones after us can experience it too. Let’s find our own sun. Grow our own trees. The universe delivered us with the light and the seeds. We might not feel it but happiness is always within us. It just needs to be turned on. For as long as there is a breath in our lungs we must be happy.

